Saturday, 9 May, was a big day. That was the day Crystal graduated from Augusta State University with a Bachelor Degree in Education. She has worked hard and we are all so proud of her. Kim, Donald, Caleb, Jimmy and I attended the graduation in the James Brown Arena in Augusta, Georgia. After the ceremony we all went out to eat a Macaroni Grill. There is nothing better than spending some quality time with family. Please enjoy some pictures of Crystal at her college graduation.
Getting her diploma. She will continue on to get her Master's Degree in the fall.
Yes, the left side of her hair is purple. If anybody can pull off purple hair, it is Crystal. I actually liked it.
Crystal and Kim, mother and daughter.
Crystal and Caleb.
Crystal, Kim, and Donald. Crystal is so blessed to have family to support her.
Bachelor's Degree down, Master's Degree next