Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Day with Sean & Sara

Jim and I left early Saturday morning to drive to Alpharetta, Georgia to watch Sean and Sara while Dawn and David went to the Georgia Tech Football Game that afternoon. We were lucky to arrive on a day that Sean had a T-ball game. I love to watch the little kids play. Sean is only four, will be five in February, and is one of the youngest kids playing, but he played like a champ.

Sean (before): getting ready to hit the ball of the "T".

Sean (after): consider the ball hit and out of here.

Sean running to second base (notice both feet are off the ground).

Sean running to third base (starting to look happy).

Sean is happy with his successful run home.
Yes, all the grandparents showed up to watch Sean play.

Dawn and Grandpa think Sara needs a drink and a hot dog...and she ate the whole hot dog.

After the game we took the kids back home and Sara was ready for her nap. She slept 2 1/2 hours. Naps are one of the perks of being 15 months old.

After nap Sara wanted a snack of strawberries. Of course she got it.

Sean wanted to go to McDonalds for dinner...and we took them. This McDonalds also has a playground for the kids (surprise, surprise). Sean was a pro at climbing and sliding but Sara was not really old enough to go by herself...so, of course, Grandpa went with her. (This is why Grandparents should not actually raise children)

...but look at how happy Sara was...I think she knew this was "forbidden play"...which makes it all the more fun. Sean told us that "grownups are not really allowed" and later Jimmy's back told him that Sean was right.

But, all's well that ends well, and after a long day Grandpa and Sara are ready for bed.